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Medical Weight Loss

Medical Weight Loss | Orlando FL

This physician-supervised weight loss program is one of Orlando’s most comprehensive and individualized to your specific needs
This physician-supervised weight loss program is one of Orlando’s most comprehensive and individualized to your specific needs, taking into consideration your metabolism, hormonal status, dietary patterns and lifestyle factors. We have a wide range of options that includes:
  • Physician consultation with hormone evaluation and optimization
  • Individually-modified dietary plans
  • Natural supplements for weight loss and optimization of metabolism
  • Bowel and liver detoxification through dietary methods
  • Prescription medications (like HCG, other metabolism boosting injections, and FDA- approved appetite suppressants, if medically indicated)
  • Exercise program guidelines
  • Behavioral modification techniques
  • Stress lowering modalities like acupuncture, massage therapy and neurofeedback

How Do I Begin?

Your program starts with an initial medical evaluation by a board-certified physician. A complete medical and nutritional history will be reviewed with you. An examination and baseline measurements will be obtained, including weight, body mass index (BMI), waist and hip circumferences and body composition. Appropriate blood tests may also be ordered which can be done at a lab facility of your choice. The physician will discuss the appropriate program for you and your health goals.


Any weight loss program is best started with detoxification. You will meet with one of our nutritional experts who will give you instructions on how to proceed. Specific diet and nutrients supporting detoxification processes in the body will be recommended. You will begin detoxification while your laboratory results are being obtained.

Why Should I detoxify?

Over your lifetime, you are exposed to various toxins from the environment, water, food, medications and even through job-related exposures. These toxins may accumulate and be stored in tissues (like fat cells and liver cells). This creates a chemical environment that will not allow your metabolism to proceed optimally. Fat release becomes more difficult to achieve. Furthermore, when subsequent weight loss occurs with release of fat from storage, the volume of toxins released may overwhelm the body’s natural pathways to inactivate and remove them. Detoxification is the process of assisting the body’s natural pathways of removing these toxins and is an important step for weight loss. Bowel and liver function are supported in order to facilitate toxin removal. Food and specific nutraceutical supplements are utilized for the detoxification process.

Intensive phase (minimum 10 weeks)

After detoxification, you will proceed with the individualized dietary program recommended for you by our physician. The intensity of your program will vary depending on your goals and will require regular medical visits that may vary from once weekly to monthly intervals. This phase may continue beyond the initial 12 weeks, if medically appropriate, to safely reach your goal.

What Does This Phase Include?

A customized dietary plan: Depending on the intensity of your plan, office follow-up will occur every 1-4 weeks for monitoring and ongoing education. Topics may include food label interpretation, menu choices when eating out, food-shopping, and menu planning from optimal sources for protein, fiber, fat and carbohydrates.

Nutritional supplements: These will be recommended to help boost fat metabolism, improve insulin levels and support hormone function so that you have the energy you need to continue weight loss and maintain high levels of activity.

Physician follow-up: intervals appropriate to the intensity of your dietary regimen (every 2-4 week intervals)

Prescription medications when appropriate: These may include hormones (like thyroid, HCG, female/male hormone treatment) and/or FDA-approved appetite suppressants.

Metabolism-boosting Injections (with B-12/B-6/ methionine/inositol/choline as appropriate)

Guidance on exercise programs

Behavioral guidelines: to help identify behaviors which may be detrimental to health and suggest appropriate alternatives to reach your goals

Emotional support and understanding: we are here to help reinforce positive behaviors and support you on your journey to health, providing you with tools to help with managing your stress.

Transition & Maintenance

Anyone that has attempted to lose weight knows how difficult it is to lose weight and to maintain it. Thus, one of the most important parts of a comprehensive program is maintenance.

This phase will commence when you are close to your goal weight, gradually slowing down the rate of weight loss and shifting to maintaining a healthy weight. This program is physician supervised to maintain an optimal balance of hormones and nutrients while continuing to reduce toxins. The maintenance phase is individualized. If you have been taking prescription appetite suppressants, the physician may gradually decrease your dose as you transition.

When you have achieved your weight loss goal, we hope that you have incorporated all the information we have tailored specifically for you in your daily life so you can maintain a healthy weight.

The maintenance phase includes:

Medical follow-up every 1-3 months

Examination and laboratory monitoring at regular intervals

Prescription medication renewals, if applicable

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