One question we can all relate to being asked this year is, “How are you?” While this greeting can typically be inquiring about your health as it relates to an illness or ailment, it does not mean that it cannot also be applied to other aspects of your life as well. To allow further access of examining these areas is to focus attention to the Wellness Wheel. The idea of the Wheel is to examine our lives and by making changes or slight adjustments, we can increase our overall health in many ways.
The Wellness Wheel first came about in the late 1970’s as the brain child of Dr. Bill Hettler. Based on the principle that we can live healthier, fuller, and better lives by being attentive to your balance and awareness in various areas of your life. The original model known as the “Six Dimensions of Wellness”, contained 6 different sections that relates to a certain aspect of life. This visualization helps to focus on these facts and allow us to see how each is connected and how they in turn can affect our overall health.
Over time this wheel has changed, developed and grown. Wellness Wheels can be known to contain as little as 4 sections and then as many as 36 aspects relating to our lives. For the most part, the wheel that seems to be most recognizable have 7 sections. The theory is rather simple, that balancing the different areas of your life will help you not only to be healthier, but to live fuller and be happier. The main areas that are focused on include (but not limited to):
• Emotional wellness. Every person is different and because of that we each react to situations differently. This emotional wellbeing is vital to helping reduce the buildup of stress.
• Intellectual wellness. Knowledge is power and our minds are a powerful thing indeed. When we learn new things, our neurons begin to connect and strengthen. However, if we do the opposite and neglect expanding our minds, we can lose those connections as well.
• Financial wellness. While financial wellness may seem outside the realm of our control, if a budget is created and living within your means, this area can in fact be as easy planning your dinner.
• Physical wellness. Diet, sleep, and exercise. These things are drilled into our heads from a young age. While it is alright to have treats and small rewards for ourselves, it is most important to keep a well balance between the three aspects for better overall health.
• Social wellness. The support and love from family and friends does in fact play a large role on our health. Making sure to have a strong support system is vital.
• Environmental wellness. It is possible that our surroundings have an effect on our health. Even by tiding up our immediate space, we can help to balance out this section.
• Spiritual wellness. This does not mean that you must belong to any type of organized religion. It simply means that you are able to accept that there is more to life than physical things.
Encouraging you to reflect on all aspects of your life, you begin to see your shortcomings and victories and allow you to create goals for you future.
Integrated medicine in Orlando
such as following the balances of the Wellness Wheel is just one aspect that the staff at Whole Family Healthcare provides.